Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Mid October

The dogwood garden is the only source of color now but it IS glorious with impatiens, many volunteers from last year.

... although the sedum and Korean ivy combination is glorious now ... I even wrote about sedum in Kitchen Parade this week.

I've already thinned the sun garden and removed the Russian sage that had become so unwieldy.

But the pots and baskets are all tired, ready for a winter break.

There're some mums in the front ...

... and the ones on the east side, the ones that sat in hot buckets for two months (and were only planted a month or so ago) are actually blooming a bit, despite all the neglect neglect. I hope to finally have something grow over here.

Whether I'll have similar luck with "Lady's home plate" is another story. I'm actually considering a "naturally renewing" gumball mulch.