Monday, November 28, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
LyndaBell Lessons

For winter interest in the garden, Lynda suggested leaving astilbe fronds intact. And yes, they're wonderful! Next year, I'll even swap out other astilbes for more of this particular plant whose fronds are especially dramatic.

Lynda's also a scrounger: one year she grabbed a discarded artificial Christmas tree for winter-long greenery outside. Instead this morning I scrounged in the neighbor's yard bags for fresh cedar boughs for pots on the patio. But after Christmas, I'll be checking for curb-side finds!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Leaves, Leaves, More Leaves

My Dad may be talking about a new snowblower (even if he is reveling in the 70-degree Indian summer in North Carolina) but here on Longview it's nothing but leaves ... leaves ... [in back the leaves on the cherry tree and the Kiplinger oak are down but the Cook sweet gum is still nearly green and has yet to lose a leaf]

... and MORE leaves [those piles are knee high and only from the west side ... east side still to go] .
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Falling Leaves

The front is a blanket of leaves. But luckily ...

at least one of the two trees in front is starting to look bare! Only five days ago it looked like THIS and it seemed there would be no keeping up.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
Autumn Color

The sweet gum on the west side has a real red cast for the first time in memory ...

... the leaves started to fall almost before they turned color, starting with Halloween Night's steady rain which kept the trick-or-treaters inside ...

... but in the sun, the color is spectacular ...

... and the close-up views extraordinary ...

... perfection amid imperfection!

... and on the north side, more green, still, than gold.