Longview Blooms

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Euonymous Lives!

I've been worried about the new ground cover: it was back-breaking work to put in and didn't seem happy all winter. At a class about 'dry shade' gardening (under trees, out of the sun, just like my whole front) on Saturday, I began to wonder if it hadn't been fed or watered enough last summer. NOW I recognize that euonymous goes dormant over the winter: all of a sudden, it is greening up, looking quite healthy and finally! spreading tendrils all over.Yay!

Now if I could only keep the dog from using the area as a speedway ...


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Diamonds in the Sky

For just a few minutes as the sun rose, the icy trees and plants glistened in the light of early morn ...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Buried in Snow, Encased in Ice

Daffodils in the back, buried ...

and the Japanese maple ...

First Day of Spring! 2006

A morning surprise, to the south ...

... and to the east

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dogwood Life?

In 2004, it was sad when the old dogwood in the Dogwood Garden came down when the cherry tree lost a large limb. Then in 2005, I noticed a few stems of green emerging from around the stump. And in 2006? Again. We'll see! Just in case, however, there's a new dogwood tree in the ground. After all, what's a Dogwood Garden without a dogwood?

Astilbe in Start

Just a few fronds, hard to see ... just last week, I cut the dried blooms which adorned the Dogwood Garden all winter.

Fenceline Daffodils

Little maids, all in a pretty row -- what's the nursery rhyme?

Hello, Hostas!

They're not much now, but soon!

Virginia Bluebells

This was originally planted in the Fern Garden but didn't thrive. When I moved it to the Dogwood Garden some time in 2005, it was barely alive. Now look!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Spring ...

... Inside

and Outside! I love how this tiny volunteer grape hyacinth somehow blooms again and again, tucked between a brick walk and a brick wall. Talk about between a rock and a hard place ...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Evening Moon

... in the east

Mid March I

Laffodil-daffodils ...

Just a couple of crocus this year, the squirrels got the bulbs, I fear ...

Early shoots of Stella d'Oro in the front ...

And sweet woodruff too ... there're lots more gumballs than this picture shows!

The flowers in a pachysandra, they say, are 'insignificant' but -- just look!

They're glorious!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Autumn Joy ... in Spring

Fascinating that the autumn joy sedum that blooms so late is, except for daffodils and hyacinths, the first to appear in spring.

The little knobs of green capture water in their leaves.